Dogs Playing Cards

ImprovementOkay here’s a new one in the self-improvement vein.  Most of you have little interest in improving your intellect so just piss off now, you’re wasting your time and my breath here. This is of no import to your life so just move on. For those of you still here, today’s critical essay is about the visual arts.  It’s mainly about flat things you stick on the wall but we may touch on three dimensional objects known as sculptures too.  What I’m going to do is try to bring your knowledge of art up to at least a Kindergarten level.  It’s a tough pull but I’m game if you are..


Crap “Art”

Most colorful objects that you stick on the wall, so-called paintings, are crap.  Why?  Because they can’t move around and they are not about anything relevant.  Since the advent of film and television the static graphic objects:  paintings, prints, tapestries, sculpture, etc. are irrelevant and boring.  Technology has passed traditional art by.  It’s perpetually standing at the bus stop of history during a transit strike.  It’s Luddite thinking.


More Crap

However before TV and movies paintings and such were relevant forms of entertainment.  There was nothing to do except reading parlor novels and playing the piano, so if you weren’t musically gifted, as you surely aren’t, sitting around literally watching the paint dry was pretty exciting.  But of course the graphic arts went through its ups and downs too.  There was okay art like the Impressionists and bad art like Cubism and Jackson Pollock.


Dogs Playing Cards

Well the pinnacle of oil painting and most static art in general was Dogs Playing Cards.  Yep, you knew it deep down inside if you have ever seen this collection of 19 paintings by the unjustly overlooked C.M. Coolidge.  If you look at the Wikipedia entry for this there is a lot of misinformation probably added by some self styled artiste.  Don’t believe it.  I’m here to set the record straight.  Any simp can edit Wikipedia and there is a lot of nonsense in there like the earth is 4 billion year old and earthquakes are from the continents moving around (Did you ever see a continent move?).  As if.  Just because these were commissioned for cigar adverts doesn’t mean that they couldn’t be the best paintings that ever were.  It is well known that lesser achievements like the Moana Lisa were painted to sell olive oil and Andy Warhol was commissioned to sell canned soup.  So there!


Vintage Olive Oil Adverts

But C.M. was no sellout.  I know for a fact that he was really commissioned to paint people playing poker but true to his artistic ideals he refused to change his subject matter and you cannot say he wasn’t a true revolutionary, nobody painted dogs doing stuff other than walking around or chasing foxes before this.  He risked being ridiculed and never making a dime.  My personal favorite has always been Sitting Up With a Sick Friend but all of them are classic.  Coolidge even created the school of anthropomorphic art and this has continued until even today, but the zenith was still Dogs Playing Cards, a success never to be equaled.


Sitting Up With A Sick Friend

To digress for a moment, one thing that Dogs Playing Cards has also shown is that women don’t get true art.  Women just don’t dig Dogs Playing Cards, or the Three Stooges for that matter.  Dogs Playing Cards prints can mostly be found in places like a wood paneled finished basement where the pool table or second TV with the video games usually are; a man’s realm.  Or so called “Men’s Clubs” around the bar area.  Men appreciate good art and drunks can spend literally hours looking at the exquisite details in these paintings when they aren’t watching sports or action movies..

Well even Dogs Playing Cards is ignored these days, swamped by the technological artistic wonders of television, movies, and “short films” on the internet static art has been left behind.  Now the only reason to buy a a painting or print is to cover a hole or stain on the wall, or a safe.  You might as well put another TV up anywhere where there used to be a painting.

So go out right now and get some Dogs Playing Cards prints to cover up that place where you put your fist through the wall in a drunken rage.  Also avoid those self styled art museums like the plague unless you want to be frisked for a few bucks to look at your shoes for two hours.  Go to a movie instead.  Better yet find a rerun of NCIS on TV and If you got this far, don’t say I never did anything for you.


bike injuryOne of my pet peeves is people who engage in their beloved hobby “for charity” and take credit for somehow being a better person than the rest of us. The worst offenders are runners, bicyclists, bowlers, motorcyclists, and especially golfers. They line up donations for how many miles they go or just finishing the event. Of course nobody ever checks to see that the person actually finished the race or didn’t pocket the donations. However I do believe most of these people are on the up and up so outright embezzlement of the funds or cheating is probably low.

Farm Aid Color

Musicians “Giving Back”

I liken this somewhat to rock stars and their ilk who give concerts where the proceeds go to some supposedly worthy organization and get accolades for “giving back.” Most of these leeches and debaucher’s are multi-millionaires who if they really wanted to give back would carve a million or so of their filthy lucre off for the charity. The concept that playing a guitar for 90 minutes without getting paid is giving back somehow is ludicrous. Most of these guys and gals who couldn’t hold down a real job if their lives depended on it don’t deserve to be paid anyway.

Home Team Charity Run logoAnyway back to the main subject. These so-called charity hobbyists have to presumably present some entrance fee. Corporations tend to jump on the bandwagon and sponsor these deals with everything from the charity itself to all the setup and production and things like bottled water, etc. Now when you get to the end of the line here just how much of all this money that is spent is actually getting to the charity? Wouldn’t it be better to have no event at all and have all the expense and corporate “support” dollars go directly to the charity and have the cyclists go off to the park to indulge in their hobby by themselves or with their buddies? Let’s face it these people are “giving” nothing. They are getting paid and donating the proceeds to their favorite charity for indulging in their fitness hobby, something they would have done anyway. If these folks were truly giving up their time they would be down at the soup kitchen slingin’ soup instead of wasting time riding around on their bikes or running in a 10K. In fact they might just work for a day at their job and donate that day’s pay to charity. Then they can just go jogging like usual or run in a regular marathon race.

Now why can’t I get the same deal, say for reading a certain number of books or winning a beer drinking contest?


Ping-Pong Charity Pool Party

So I don’t sponsor any of these yokels. I give plenty of dough out to charity but I’m not going to do it for you to go out and play ping-pong or poker so I sure won’t do it for anyone else’s hobby. Let’s just pony up for breast cancer or whatever and feel better about that and get on with our lives without pretending we’re giving any of our time to anyone in the process. Oh, and see if you can wheedle the same amount out of the corporate sponsors that they would have spent in event expenses. Bet you can’t because how are they going to get their logo on your t-shirt or some banners along the race course? They’re just buying advertising and not “giving” anything either.


vintagetelevisionI promised to tell you how watching television can enhance any part of your life and with today’s 21st Century wireless technology the future of 24 hour TV is even closer than you think. As you know I’m not here to disappoint so hang in there while I get up a full head of steam.

Now think about it, what do you like better than watching TV? Be honest. Okay, I’ll give you that  but TV second best, I’m going to show you how even #1 can be made better with television. So now we have established that TV viewing is just about the thing you most like to do. On top of that it is one of the most relaxing pastimes. It’s so relaxing you can even sleep in front of the TV and you should for your mental health. C’mon, what other hobby lets you sleep while you do it? So don’t tell me that mountain biking or kayaking is more relaxing than TV viewing. Even going to a movie or, god forbid, live theater, isn’t as enjoyable and relaxing as sitting front of the ol’ telly. Try to sleep sitting up in those “stadium seats” after you’ve shelled out $100 for tickets and concessions. You can’t rewind, record, fast forward through the boring parts, stop to get a better look at an actress’s breasts, none of that. You can’t stop it to go to the bathroom, that’s a game breaker for me.  Inferior entertainment. The good news is that even if you are chained to your spouse, friends, family, or kids that insist on doing any sort of these tier two or three hobbies or entertainments you can now always enhance that experience and make it less tedious with television!

sexontv-silverLet’s get right down to first and second best:  sex and TV.  How can we combine these?  Well there’s a rich mans solution and the poor man’s solution.  Rich Man:  60 inch or better LED 1080p on every surface in your bedroom even above the head board and the ceiling.  The poor man’s solution has some actual advantages over the rich man solution:  mirrors on every surface and only one or two 1080p LEDs (as big as you can make ’em) placed strategically.  Now when your team scores you can score!  You’re doing both your favorite things at the same time unless she’s a two bagger and then you can stick with the sports.  In case you’re wondering both these solutions are actually gender neutral and also work for the G&L crowd too, I just used a guy example because they generally like both sex and TV more than gals.


Here’s another problem solved.  How to use TV when engaging in a more active lifestyle.  Let’s take mountain hiking and camping.  Both spouses can mount a small TV in their backpack.  All you have to do is cut a little window in the back of each pack and voila, even the remote will work.  Now only the following parties can watch but if you change places regularly everyone else can take their turn.  You can even get your kids to participate in active leisure time (what an oxymoron) activities with you.  Only broadcast and DVDs will work with this setup while moving (make sure you get a shock-free DVD player and a battery powered or better yet a solar powered setup).  Once you setup camp or your picnic you can break out the dish and enjoy literally hundreds of channels instead of telling dull stories or worse yet, singing around the camp fire.  Have each person haul at least one extra (or better yet more) charged Li batteries and a solar charger.  Leave out food, water, and other extra stuff if necessary to save weight.

PIA0001002059Now with the heads-up-display TVs in glasses offered there literally is no excuse to not watch TV constantly and we have now proved that everything is enhanced by television.  Today there is no reason for you to whine about that mall trip or the amusement park so no more bitching about how I never make your life better.

I’ve got to finish this NCIS marathon I’ve been watching while I’ve been putting this together so excuse the typos.  I hope your miserable life has at least been slightly improved.


Special NCIS Agent Ziva David


On The Ropes

School-desk-1Today is kind of different so no goofing off.  Hey you, sit down and pay attention.  Unlike other posts where I’ve kept things back for your own good, or those posts that I told you not to read because they were too esoteric, well here we’re goin’ to school so sit down and shaddup.  Don’t make me come over there!  This is a serious topic, not like the Casey Anthony killing or Jon Benet Ramsay.  What I want to tell you about is the sorry state of Professional Wrestling today.

NCISNow I don’t watch much television but what I do watch I like a lot.  On Monday nights I’m usually watching Naval Criminal Investigative Service, NCIS, on USA network.  I love it, back to back episodes.  That Goth forensic scientist Abby Sciuto is a hoot, and Gibbs, well, will Gibbs ever crack a smile?   I’ll tell you someday why NCIS is the most sophisticated and intellectual drama ever aired on television, but not today.  Think future.  I don’t want to make your head explode.  Anyway on Mondays at 8 pm ET my NCIS bliss is interrupted by that abomination that calls itself Professional Wrestling:  WWE Raw.

wwe_rawNow WWE just sucks.  John Cena and The Rock suck.  Big breasted women holding match cards suck the worst.  Half the time it looks like Cena is wrestling in capris which is a disgrace to both pro wrestling and our armed forces.  The people who like wrestling now are retards and knuckle-draggers.  The only thing worse than the current crap that pawns itself off as “professional” wrestling is reality television and MTV.  Vince McMahon ruined professional wrestling.  Wrestling today is 1970s Elvis versus 1950s Elvis.  That pretty much sums it up.

Cuba's Livan Lopez Azcuy fights with Azerbaijan's Jabrayil Hasanov for the bronze medal of the Men's 66Kg Freestyle wrestling at the ExCel venue during the London 2012 Olympic GamesLet’s get one thing straight before we go any further.  This rant has nothing to do with that so-called amateur sport (see above) where geeks (or Greeks) grapple on mats; that stuff they do in college and the Great Spectator Sport Swindle:  The Olympics.  Not that crappy amateur stuff.  We’re talking Professional here not the stuff where nobody gets paid and nobody gets to wear the unbelievably ostentatious title belt.  Nobody, but nobody, really likes watching that even if they say so, even if there seem to be certain doppelgangers that show up in both the professional and amateur “sports” from time to time.  They have nothing to do with each other.  Forget that amateur crap.  Now that I think about it, it may be even worse (= more boring) than the WWE.

Pro wrestling now is expensive and sleazy.  I liked it when it was cheap and sleazy.  The classic wrestling era was the ’50s to the ’80s.  After that it went downhill.  Overshadowed by glitzy and expensive special effects, people forgot the true nature of the sport and worse yet, wrestlers forgot how to wrestle.  Today’s wrestler is a poster boy for steroid abuse who cannot even master the basic “Claw” maneuver.  Some of them actually think they can “act” and have fall back careers in traditional entertainment.

But here’s the real bombshell, unlike the classic era, today’s Battle Royales are staged!  That’s right you heard it here first, the whole mess is rigged; fixed worse than a Las Vegas roulette wheel.  Big money took over and the whole thing turned into show business with the outcomes as predictable as a Stephen King novel.  Hell predictable, they’re scripted!  Everyone except you, my microcephalic reader, knows what’s gonna happen in the ring.

annieSo the current state of wrestling is essentially that of a big-buck crappy Broadway show (see above).  A theater performance nightly, and we know where that leads.  No wonder some of them think they can become “actors.”  Now you don’t know this but I will enlighten you in a future post, you’re just going to have to trust me here now (you know you can):  live theater is not worth talking about or watching because it is technologically inferior to movies and television.  Hence the current “staged” state of wrestling is not worth a longhorn turd as far as sports or entertainment is concerned.  Don’t you love how I bring logic into the mix to prove incontrovertibly the sorry state of things today?

Well what’s to be done?  Here’s my prescription:  first throw out the current WWE management and replace them with the likes of the golden era’s American Wrestling Association (AWA from now on), guys like Verne Gagne (see photo below) who could spot a real wrestler, not just some steroid pumped pretty boy.  Clean house!


Verne Gagne

Move the matches to smaller venues.  These big arenas draw graft and cheating like flies to a dead carp.  Let’s use high school gymnasiums, church fellowship centers, senior centers, places that keep the mob riff raff and fixers out.  Places where folding chairs can be substituted for “stadium seating.”

Bring back real international athletes.  That’s right:  Crushers, Bruisers, Chechens, Nazis, Bolsheviks, titled nobility, Sheiks, ethnically stereotyped berserkers, throw in a few Al Qaeda athletes for an international terrorist flavor.  It is essential to get not just talented athletes but ones people can hate without a second thought.  How can somebody possibly get worked up about someone wearing makeup called “The Undertaker,” “Triple H,” or guys with monikers that sound like rapper’s names?


Titled Nobility

Impose mandatory drug tests.  The current crop of steroid crazed thespians need to be weeded out.  No more steroids.  No more performance enhancers.  No more athletes that trained with Lance Armstrong.  I favor a one strike and out philosophy.  None of this namby-pamby rehab and second chance stuff.  You’ve brought disgrace on a time honored sport and you need to be degraded and humiliated for it.

Make the rules stick.  For crying out loud, a lifetime suspension should stick for at least, say, two weeks minimum.  Suspended athletes should not be allowed anywhere near the venue until the Commissioner has lifted the suspension.  Foreign objects (see brass knuckles below) in the ring should never be larger than a folding chair.  Coming off the top rope should only be allowed when the referee’s back is turned.  You know, put some common sense back into the rules and enforce them.

Brass_knuckles_picAnd finally, keep the big money out.  That’s what ruined the NFL and NBA where rigged games are now considered the “norm.”  Once the big money is in then the mafia moves in and before you know it so-called athletes with a trumped up college transcript are making millions of dollars to take a dive, drop a ball, or throw an entire game.  That’s one of the reasons I don’t “participate” in today’s spectator sports.  They’re all staged, unlike the classic era of professional wrestling where you could count on a generally good clean match with athletes you could really look up to.

Maybe there is hope.  Ring of Honor Wrestling looks like it might have all the elements that made the classic era so great while still being updated for the 21st century.  We can only pray and count to ten.

Physical Fitness

imageBy now you’ve probably started to model your life around this blog. That’s what I’m here for. Between my Grandfather and myself, we know pretty much everything there is to know, so relying on this blog when making big life decisions is a good thing for you to do. That’s what I’m here for. Ooops, already said that. Well you know what they say about repetition being the…

132_oval_decalLet’s now turn our weary heads to look at something I’ve begun to notice: those little oval stickers on cars that say “13.2” or “26.4.” It’s a secret code between a secret society of fitness nuts that we, the slovenly, are not supposed to know. Except they really do want us to figure this out so we can ask them: “When did you run your last half-marathon?” or something like that. For some stupid reason these people put this magic number on their car or t-shirt and we are supposed to be clever enough to break their code and realize that 13.2 is how many miles are in a half-marathon. So what? Why didn’t they just put a sticker on their car that said “Ask me about how I ran my last half-marathon?” No, I’m supposed to play dumb and say: “Hey, What’s that 13.2 sticker for?”

First, yours truly has zero interest in your current jag of ego-stretching self-torture that you like to call fitness. Second, I know nothing about it. I don’t know or want to know anything about your shoes, your special running shorts, your iPhone running app, your running social network, your training regimen. Remember you are talking to someone who has zero interest already in spectator sports where they actually keep score, so watching, hearing, thinking about a little thing like running faster has no appeal; especially listening to your self-torture sagas, isn’t on today’s to-do list.

I used to try to run. Actually ran a few races but I found I hated it. I have some physical debilities which we won’t go into here that makes running a pretty painful and unrewarding experience anyway. Let’s call it a physical limitation. That got me thinking about exercise and physical fitness in general.

Exercise is always painful. It is always harder to do than not do, as Hamlet or Yoda would say. I mean what’s so bad about being lazy? Why are we so crazy about exercise? We take the idea of a pleasant walk hither and yon to some extreme painful sweating, pounding, breathing, agonizing speed obsession. There you have it. “I can run a Marathon just like some Greek messenger with a Post-it Note did a coupla thousand years ago.” Big deal! They didn’t have cell phones back then so this was pretty much the only form of speedy communication. Pick up the phone! Why do we imitate this poor sucker who probably had to do this or he wasn’t getting any dinner?

It makes me feel better…

What? You felt better while you were trying to come up that steep hill at 10 mph than you would have if you had been sitting with me having a few watching Spongebob Squarepants? I don’t think so. Oh you meant afterwards, like when you puke your gravy at the finish line and have to drink only Gatorade for two days straight to get rid of that headache and the trots. That feelin’ better. I tell you what, I feel a little winded when I get up to get another cold one from the fridge, so why don’t you put on those fancy shoes you just bought and get me a brew and then we’ll both be feelin’ a whole lot better.

SpongeBob_main_charactersSo now we have established the universal rule that all exercise that’s going to be “good” for you is also going to be painful and boring while you are doing it.

Our next hurdle:

You’ll live longer…

Yeah, so you can torture yourself with more marathons. Here I introduce the science of the “life extension equation.” The principle is simple: exercise effort time (feelin’ bad time) has to be less than life extension time for exercise to be a net gain in life. So, say I run a marathon in four hours (what is a reasonable time? doesn’t matter just for example), if my life is extended by only four more hours I want my money back. See 4 hours of pain = four hours longer life is the game breaker. If I can’t at least get more life extension than time I’ve spent in exercise hell then I’m a loser.

Well this is easy, sure you’re gonna get more than four hours of life back for running that marathon (versus Spongebob + Beer). Now wait a minute. The devil is in the details. How do we define the feelin’ bad time, the torture time? Is it only the actual exercise time, or is it something else? Maybe we should include the training time, or the warmup time, or the time it took to drive, fly, bike to the event. But hey, those were all “feel good time” life wasters, weren’t they. Yeah sure. But were they as good as they could have been? (Spongebob + Beer) To be fair you’ve gotta include all the time you spent jogging, preparing, training, shopping, etc. for the marathon as bad feelin’ time. No way were they as fun as Spongebob+Beer time.

beer%20can%20genericI’m pretty sure when you total it all up you would have been better off in the old life extension equation spending your time with me watching Spongebob and drinkin’ beer.

So I don’t run, I don’t go to any gym, I don’t own any exercise equipment (=clothes racks). When I go for a walk it’s to get somewhere, or listen to the tweet tweets (Mother Nature), or an excuse to listen to an audiobook or some loud music my family hates. I don’t wanna live longer if it includes some self flagellation ritual I have to exchange daily for my life to be extended.

Because I figure when I go there are going to be three options: nada, Spongebob+Beer, or a Treadmill machine and I won’t get to pick when the so-called inevitable comes at whatever time of life. I’ll know when I get there if I’ve been good.